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Tease: Sweet Dreams

When I set out to review SWEET DREAMS – an Audies finalist in the Erotica category – I first thought, oh, interesting, a collection of erotic tales set in India. My second thought was, oh. Accents. Each of these stories has a dreamy, slow pace, and each relies heavily on its Indian setting for context and tone. Without realistic and seamless accents, the audiobook would fail – and it wouldn’t be pretty. Enter narrators Simone Lewis and Vikas Adam, with their confident presentation and appropriate accents. Simone Lewis, especially, evokes the sensory nature of the Indian culture that Sunny Leone – a Canadian-born adult film star who works extensively in Indian cinema – shares in her vignettes.

 Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams
by Sunny Leone, read by Simone Lewis and Vikas Adam
Novel Audio
AudioFile Earphones Award
2017 Audies Finalist

Workaholic professional bachelors and bored housewives share moments of passion and loneliness. Both Lewis and Adam provide nuanced performances that share the sensual nature of Leone’s erotica, using delicate, twisting phrasing that sings with desire, longing, and love. Enjoy a sound clip and read the whole review here.

See the rest of the 2017 Audies Erotica finalists!

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