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Narrator Leon Nixon on OUR TEAM

Narrator Leon Nixon shares how he related to and connected with OUR TEAM, Luke Epplin's history of Larry Doby and his struggles to integrate baseball in the 1940s. Watch the video to learn more about this story of very human challenges.

"Sometimes a book just gets you, and this book just got me."—Narrator Leon Nixon

OUR TEAM: The Epic Story of Four Men and the World Series That Changed Baseball
by Luke Epplin, read by Leon Nixon
Macmillan Audio

In a serious tone that captures the significance of breaking the color barrier and with a flair for portraying quirky characters, narrator Leon Nixon guides listeners through the lives of four men who transformed the Cleveland Indians to win the World Series in 1948. Larry Doby’s loneliness is clear in Nixon’s performance as the frosty reception he received from teammates and his relegation to segregated hotel rooms are described. The nuances are perfect, both for the underdog story and the narration.

Find more of Leon Nixon's audiobooks in his audiography.

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