Trade Ed. Quest Books 2008
CD ISBN 978-0-8356-2013-0 $26.95 Six CDs
The author looks at war with references to the Greek philosophers, Greek mythology, and the major religions. He mixes in his personal opinions about the soul in battle. As a psychotherapist with years of experience treating veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, he includes patients' conflicted memories as they serve to exemplify his rhetoric. Tick's narration sounds like that of a student reading his first speech, one painful word at a time. Although we hear a few weak impersonations, overall the delivery is shaky and uncertain. On the positive side, he excels at pronouncing the scientific vocabulary. The recording sounds as though it was done in a small space without echo reduction, making it clear why high-quality studio equipment makes a big difference. J.A.H. © AudioFile 2008, Portland, Maine [Published: OCTOBER 2008]
Trade Ed. Quest Books 2008
CD ISBN 978-0-8356-2013-0 $26.95 Six CDs
Trade Ed. Quest Books 2008
CD ISBN 978-0-8356-2013-0 $26.95 Six CDs
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