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ON WRITING A Memoir of the Craft

Earphones Award Winner

by | Read by Stephen King

Biography & Memoir • 8 hrs. • Unabridged • © 2000

With this indispensable book, the king of bestsellers intended to put down his thoughts on writing. But after he was run over on a country road in Maine by "one of my own characters," the work turned into a memoir as the author wrote himself back to health. King's life has had a fair amount of horror--even before his near-death experience. His childhood doctor sounds like the town butcher; an early job included picking maggots out of blood-soaked medical laundry (which he seems to have preferred over teaching!). These rare glimpses into King's personal life--as related in his earnest tone and real (thank God) Maine accent--are fascinating, especially his affectionate portrait of his mother. But the real gems are King's tips on writing. He knows his craft, and he doesn't put on any airs. If you write--or want to--get this book. After explaining what's important (including good grammar), the celebrated author says to get down to the business--as he has for the last forty-odd years. E.K.D. Winner of AUDIOFILE Earphones Award © AudioFile 2001, Portland, Maine [Published: FEB/MAR 01]

Trade Ed. • Simon & Schuster Audio • 2000

CS ISBN 0671582364 $35.00 • cassettes

DD ISBN 0743563379 $20.95


Library Ed. • Recorded Books • 2000

CS ISBN 0788750097 $59.95 • Six cassettes

CD ISBN 0788751557 $74.75 • Seven CDs

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