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  • 289 S. Main Place Carol Stream, IL 60188-2425

Publisher: Steve Smith, ext 105
Media Contact: Julie Smith, [email protected]

Subjects: Bestsellers, Biography, Business, Children's, Classics, Fantasy, Fiction, Health/Healing, History, Humor, Mystery/Suspense, Personal Growth, Popular Fiction, Religion/Philosophy, Romance, Science Fiction, Spirituality, Western, Young Adult

Number of Titles: 1300

APA Member

Oasis Audio is a leading publisher of business and personal development titles, humor, foreign language, Christian fiction and personal growth titles. Our abridged and unabridged audiobooks are available in attractive consumer packages suitable for resale, rental and library use. Available to the trade direct or through all major distributors.

Publishing Format: CD, MP3-CD, DD

Audio Category: UN, AB,

Imprints: Oasis Audio, Springwater

Wholesale Sources: American Wholesale, Anchor, Anderson Merchandisers, Baker & Taylor, Brodart, Ingram, Library & Educational Services, STL

Standard Packaging: Library, Trade

Replacement Policy: Libraries: $2 perdisc for retail edition; free for library edition


Other Social Media: YouTube

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