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by | Read by Simon Jones

Fiction • 9 hrs. • Abridged • © 2000

Spanning over thirty years of time, Rayner’s tale of love and war builds to a smashing finale as the characters move through the world of New York architecture. The story follows Esko Vaananen from an impoverished childhood in Finland at the turn of the century to financial and professional success in New York at the end of the Roaring Twenties. The story can only be described as epic, with politics and intrigue cropping up around every bend. Actor Simon Jones reads this abridgment with the same passion the lead character shows toward life and provides distinct, varied voices for each character. Although the abridgment seems choppy at times, Jones reads with such an easy pace, the gaps go almost unnoticed. The combination of a good story and a great performance makes the production fly. H.L.S. © AudioFile 2001, Portland, Maine [Published: AUG/ SEP 01]

Trade Ed. • Harper Audio • 2001

CS ISBN $29.95 • Six cassettes



Trade Ed. • Harper Audio • 2001

CS ISBN $29.95 • Six cassettes

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