In an encore installment, the popular Driveway Moments series revisits the subject of animals. Host Christopher Joyce provides brief contexts for this collection of short animal-themed pieces originally aired on NPR. Whether fierce or cute, feathered or furry, mysterious or comical, these creatures captivate--from mysterious whale sharks that disappear into the deep to give birth to songbirds that adapt their tunes to cope with city dwelling and dolphins that reunite with long-lost friends. This collection of more than 30 pieces is voiced by NPR veterans and includes interviews with articulate notables like Jane Goodall, so it's especially easy on the ear. Whether taking in a few short pieces or absorbing many in one sitting, listeners' imaginations will be completely engaged by these stories of creatures with whom we share our planet. J.C.G. © AudioFile 2015, Portland, Maine [Published: JUNE 2015]
Trade Ed. HighBridge Audio 2015
CD ISBN 9781622315826 $22.95 Two CDs
DD ISBN 9781622315833 $16.07
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