In the final installment of the Scandalous Gentlemen of St. James Place series, listeners are treated to the sultry tale of the seduction of the Duke of Avendale by the mysterious Lady in Red. Helen Lloyd uses a smoky, steamy voice as she narrates all but the epilogue. Lloyd softens her tone as Rosalind and Avendale trade barbs, lies, and secrets throughout this sensual romance. Rosalind's game is to fleece the Duke while she protects her household. The Duke is playing for keeps and wants it all--Rosalind, her trust, and her love. Narrator James Adams's deep tones wrap up the very end of this love story. M.B.K. © AudioFile 2015, Portland, Maine [Published: JUNE 2015]
Library Ed. Harper Audio 2015
DD ISBN 9780062404664 $24.99
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