Book pak BBC Audiobooks America/ Sound Library 2002
CS ISBN 0792725158 $96.95 Twelve cassettes
CD ISBN 0792799380 $115.95 Fourteen CDs
Politics and the justice system make strange bedfellows. The NYC District Attorney is up for re-election, and it's a tough race. Homicide Bureau Chief Butch Karp refuses to help his boss get elected by looking the other way on three sensitive cases. Fascinating characters, a compelling plot, and crisp dialogue ensue. Reader Nick Sullivan tops it off. His strong conversational style is flawless. Sullivan doesn't read or present; he shares this intriguing story with his listeners. Absolutely wonderful pacing and timing make the story seem so real, so genuine. A minor but annoying editing flaw--the scenes have little pause between them--distracts, but this is a great effort nonetheless. T.J M. (c) AudioFile 2002, Portland, Maine [Published: AUG/SEP 02]
Book pak BBC Audiobooks America/ Sound Library 2002
CS ISBN 0792725158 $96.95 Twelve cassettes
CD ISBN 0792799380 $115.95 Fourteen CDs
Book pak BBC Audiobooks America/ Sound Library 2002
CS ISBN 0792725158 $96.95 Twelve cassettes
CD ISBN 0792799380 $115.95 Fourteen CDs
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