Orson Killere, a teenager whose mother works at an Army base, meets Elvis in Germany in 1957, becoming his confidante and lifelong friend. Although the story is about Orson, an intelligent young man who returns to the U.S. for college, marries, and faces his own substance abuse problems--Elvis, his celebrity, entourage, and problems are always a part of it. Lloyd James superbly narrates the story of these two disparate yet bound lives. He doesn’t imitate Elvis’s voice but uses phrasing and tone to suggest it to great effect. Orson’s gentleness and Elvis’s vulnerability and occasional celebrity-induced hubris are conveyed through James’s narration, which is always true and affecting. Listeners will be involved from the start. M.A.M. Winner of AudioFile Earphones Award © AudioFile 2002, Portland, Maine [Published: DEC 02/ JAN 03]
Library Ed. Blackstone Audio 2001
CS ISBN $56.95 Seven cassettes
CD ISBN $80.00/ $16.95(R) Nine CDs
MP3-CD ISBN $19.95 One MP3-CDs
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