The new dystopian novel by Lionel Shriver tells of global economic collapse in 2029. The story unfolds matter-of-factly, and narrator George Newbern mirrors that same tone. As the world falls apart around them, the Mandible family, a menagerie of desperate heirs, waits for the fortune they will inherit from their 97-year-old patriarch. As prices skyrocket, Newbern captures the family members’ schemes for survival and hopes for a better future, followed by their shock when they discover that the money isn’t coming. Newbern uses his talented voice and sharp intellect to create a world in which the characters tiptoe between the comic and tragic. This smart oddball tale is as entertaining as it is thought provoking. R.O. © AudioFile 2016, Portland, Maine [Published: JULY 2016]
Trade Ed. Harper Audio 2016
CD ISBN 9781504736015 $44.99 Eleven CDs
DD ISBN 9780062472649 $27.99
Library Ed. Blackstone Audio 2016
CD ISBN 9781504736008 $59.99 Eleven CDs
MP3-CD ISBN 978-1-5047-3602-2 $39.99 Two MP3-CDs
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