Sparks fly in the first installment of the new Taking Chances series, expertly narrated by Kate Rudd. Chance, Nebraska, and its residents are dealing with the aftermath of a tornado ripping through their town. At the center of it all are fire chief Avery Sparks and disaster recovery expert Jake Mitchell, hometown boy made good and Avery's on-again, off-again flame. Jake and Avery's snappy banter is great fun, and Rudd performs emotional scenes with equal skill. She also differentiates the the secondary characters, making them easy to recognize. Engaging characters and an enjoyable narration make this a winner that will have listeners eagerly anticipating the next audiobook in the series. L.C.L. © AudioFile 2016, Portland, Maine [Published: NOVEMBER 2016]
Trade Ed. Brilliance Audio 2016
CD ISBN 978-1-5226-4015-8 $14.99 Eight CDs
MP3-CD ISBN 978-1-5226-4016-5 $9.99 One MP3-CDs
DD ISBN 978-1-5226-4017-2 $9.99
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