Shaunti Feldhahn performs her straightforward guide to improving relationships through acts of kindness with a contagious sense of enthusiasm and discovery. Feldhahn lays out the details of her 30-Day Kindness Challenge in a way that will make receptive listeners feel primed to try out some of the patterns of words, thoughts, and deeds that she suggests even if they aren't committed to the full program. Feldhahn builds her case using examples from the Bible and churches she's worked with, sources some non-Christians may find off-putting, though Feldhahn's inclusive spirit and solid ideas may win over others. Overall, this warm, practical production will be welcome to many who are looking for ways to make positive changes in their daily lives. A.F. © AudioFile 2017, Portland, Maine [Published: JUNE 2017]
Library Ed. Recorded Books 2016
CD ISBN 9781501935978 $77.75 Four CDs
MP3-CD ISBN 9781501947292 $49.95 One MP3-CDs
DD ISBN 9781501935985 $70.00
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