Exo soldier Donovan Reyes is portrayed by MacLeod Andrews in this thrilling sci-fi adventure. Andrews shines in this production as he portrays a plethora of characters, both human and nonhuman. As Donovan, Andrews employs a youthful, nonchalant tone, except in moments of stress when his words become sharp and quick. For most of the alien Zhree, a gritty, jagged, and low tone is used, reflecting their status as Earth's enemy. Throughout the narration, listeners can clearly identify changes in emotion and intention through Andrews's measured tone. In this performance of good versus evil, Andrews once again distinguishes himself as a talented narrator. V.C. © AudioFile 2018, Portland, Maine [Published: MAY 2018]
Digital Scholastic Audiobooks 2017
DD ISBN 978-1-338-11896-4 $30.00
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