This audiobook unfolds the personal realities of women who are aging. With humor, wittiness, and sarcasm, the various female and male writers target a population of women who are 40-plus. The introduction, narrated by Erin Bennett, quotes women artists of diverse backgrounds. Although aging can be a dismal topic, Bennett piques one's curiosity with her tone of honesty and hopefulness. Throughout the audiobook the changing voices represent the multiple authors, but there is a constant feeling of unity nonetheless. Dan Woren's narrations pop in and out of the women voices. It seems jarring at first, given the female-centered poems. However, his voice is a reminder that we ALL age and can experience this journey in relatable ways. T.E.C. © AudioFile 2017, Portland, Maine [Published: JULY 2017]
Trade Ed. Hachette Audio 2017
DD ISBN 9781478970057 $19.98
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