Charlie and Armstrong take turns recounting the events of their sixth-grade year at Wonderland Middle School during the 1970s, as the school opens its doors to African-American students. Narrator Ruffin Prentiss portrays Armstrong with a passionate and determined tone as he deals with the difficulties of attending a new school and facing the prejudices of his white classmates and teachers. Narrator Christopher Gebauer brings Charlie to life with an inquisitive tone as he starts to question his own racist actions and judgments as well as those of his friends and family. Karen Chilton creates a matter-of-fact yet compassionate voice for Mrs. Gaines, who interjects throughout the story to give a teacher's point of view. Listeners will be captivated by the strong characters in this powerful story of friendship and overcoming prejudice. M.D. © AudioFile 2017, Portland, Maine [Published: JUNE 2017]
Library Ed. Recorded Books 2017
CD ISBN 9781501960062 $66.75 Six CDs
DD ISBN 9781501960109 $60.00
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