Three narrators blend seamlessly to present a story that switches time, locale, and voice frequently. After stealing a book, young Sunny Arkinsky, portrayed by Dara Rosenberg, is "sentenced" to work in the Robbers Library. Sunny's disposition enlivens the small, struggling library and the life of librarian Kit Sweeney, portrayed by Allyson Ryan. Most appealing are meeting the library's regulars and hearing insider gossip. Ryan's and Rosenberg's performances are deftly enhanced by third narrator Josh Bloomberg's winning storytelling. Diverse characters and personalities--many eccentric--add to the listening experience. The story centers on Ryan's prickly Sweeney, who is beaten down by life and content in her isolation. Chatty Sunny and her uninhibited views make her the consummate change agent. This genial audiobook is also a love story about libraries, readers, and books. S.G.B. © AudioFile 2018, Portland, Maine [Published: MAY 2018]
Trade Ed. Harper Audio 2018
DD ISBN 9780062799357 $26.99
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