Narrator Greta Jung tells the heartbreaking story of two sisters who were parted by history and their intervening years of pain in Japanese-occupied Korea. Hana and Emi are fisherwomen, known as HAENYEO. As the two sisters are separated by conflict, oppression, and time, Jung's soft voice brings across the grief of irredeemable tragedy. Soldiers are an ever-present danger, and one day Hana is forced to make the ultimate sacrifice. She becomes a sex slave, a "comfort woman," to the Japanese army for years. The chapters journey forward and backward in time, taking listeners from the harsh realities of Korea in the mid 1940s to Emi's guilt as an old woman who is searching for her older sister. Jung captures the love and loss in her lyrical delivery. M.R. © AudioFile 2018, Portland, Maine [Published: FEBRUARY 2018]
Trade Ed. Penguin Audio 2018
CD ISBN 9780525497653 $45.00 Nine CDs
DD ISBN 9780525497660 $22.50
Library Ed. Books on Tape 2018
CD ISBN 9780525497677 $45.00 Nine CDs
DD ISBN 9780525497684 $45.00
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