U.S. Marshal Edward Spencer, portrayed by Michael John Casey, has just arrived out West by railroad and stage coach from Baltimore. His first case involves a plot to steal land from a local rancher. When the rancher's cattle and some homesteaders are poisoned, Marshal Spencer, together with local Sheriff Gannon and Deputy Jasper, search for the killer and some swindlers as well. Casey delivers the narrative of this gritty Western at a steady pace and uses a somewhat flat East Coast accent for Spencer. Terence Aselford, reading Sheriff Gannon's parts, and Matthew Pauli, performing Deputy Jasper's lines, sound like the hard-boiled lawmen they are. Sound effects and scraps of music are the perfect accompaniment for this story. M.B.K. © AudioFile 2018, Portland, Maine [Published: MARCH 2018]
Trade Ed. GraphicAudio 2017
CD ISBN 978-1-62851-401-8 $19.99 Five CDs
MP3-CD ISBN $19.99 One MP3-CDs
DD ISBN $16.99
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