In this contemporary thriller, listeners follow the story of a London- based family whose lives are turned upside down through various bad decisions. Narrators Elliot Hill and Elizabeth Knowelden tell the story from the viewpoints of husband-and-wife Bram and Fiona. Fiona tells her story through a podcast, while Bram tells his through a letter. The dual narration is helpful as the plot jumps around in time. Both narrators do a sterling job of bringing life to this typical suburban couple. Hill's highly skilled narration, especially his character development through accent and intonation, is particularly notable. Both narrators keep the suspense of this thriller going right to the very end. K.J.P. © AudioFile 2018, Portland, Maine [Published: SEPTEMBER 2018]
Trade Ed. Penguin Audio 2018
DD ISBN 9780525595922 $22.50
Library Ed. Books on Tape 2018
DD ISBN 9780525595939 $95.00
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