Patrick Lawlor gives a crisp and exuberant narration of Jauhar's concise overview of the human heart. The result is a fascinating examination of our historical, emotional, and clinical relationship with this most vital organ. The simple title describes the audiobook perfectly; listeners are provided a detailed history of how we once thought of the heart as the center of all thought, background on the landmark research that impacted our collective culture--including how research influenced the ban of cigarette commercials from television-- and a description of the first use of the external defibrillator. Lawlor keeps his tone brisk and clear throughout, creating accessible listening for this detailed and engaging audiobook. S.P.C. © AudioFile 2019, Portland, Maine [Published: JANUARY 2019]
Trade Ed. Dreamscape 2018
CD ISBN 9781974904648 $49.99 Seven CDs
MP3-CD ISBN 9781974904686 $29.99 One MP3-CDs
DD ISBN $34.99
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