Portrayed by narrator George Newbern in this audiobook, Professor Mark Sternum teaches his beloved creative writing workshop, deals with faculty politics, and struggles with loneliness as his longtime partner works works overseas for six months. Teaching is Mark's love and his escape, both of which Newbern expertly conveys in his narration. The story is full of Mark's course assignments, which are further enlivened by Newbern's delivery. He also captures the interpersonal relationships between Mark and his students, which further suggest his love of teaching. Little distinction between characters in conversations makes for a bit of confusion; however, Newbern's steady pacing and suitable inflections aid in the flow of this short novel. A.L.S.M. © AudioFile 2019, Portland, Maine [Published: MAY 2019]
Trade Ed. Brilliance Audio 2019
CD ISBN 978-1-7213-5522-8 $34.99 Six CDs
MP3-CD ISBN 978-1-7213-5523-5 $24.99 One MP3-CDs
DD ISBN 978-1-7213-5521-1 $24.99
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