Richard Poe articulately narrates a moving story of parents struggling to deal with their son's departure for WWI. The novel focuses on middle-aged American painter John Campton and his former wife, Julia Brant, who come together when their son, George, is drafted into the French army. Poe portrays Campton as a gruff, stubborn artist; this overarching characterization nicely contrasts with the moments when his intense emotion for his son breaks through. Poe's portrayal of young George in a youthful, cheerful cadence also provides contrast. Wharton's story artfully puts the listener in Campton's shoes, and Poe's attentive narration and faithful vocalizations make this audiobook an absorbing listening experience. D.M.W. © AudioFile 2019, Portland, Maine [Published: OCTOBER 2019]
Trade Ed. Blackstone Audio 2019
CD ISBN 9781982673338 $34.95 Nine CDs
MP3-CD ISBN 9781982673345 $29.95 One MP3-CDs
DD ISBN 9781982673352 $22.95
Library Ed. Blackstone Audio 2019
CD ISBN 9781982673321 $90.00 Nine CDs
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