Morris Gleitzman and Paul Jennings, two of Australia's most popular children's authors, combine their wit and imagination to produce Wicked, a six-part action adventure story featuring a couple of normal kids as tangled up in their own emotions as the creeper of the title. As this part of the adventure begins, Dawn cries out, "I was history. The longest root in the world was wrapped around me. Crushing me." As this installment is enthusiastically performed by Kate Hosking and Stig Wemyss, young listeners discover that in earlier adventures Dawn and Rory have fled the Slobberers, buried their pets, escaped killer sheep, blown up giant frogs, and now must survive the mutant killer creepers. Reading the earlier episodes isn't necessary, but young readers won't want to miss a single one. S.J.H. © AudioFile 2005, Portland, Maine [Published: APR/MAY 05]
Trade Ed. Bolinda Audio 2004
CS ISBN 1740304705 $18.00 One cassettes
CD ISBN 174093427X $24.00 Two CDs
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