A welcome continuation of the original Legend trilogy focuses on the lives of the heroes in the aftermath of the revolution. Brothers Day and Eden find themselves immersed in an undercover conflict involving murder, underground drone races, and evil mob bosses. Nile Bullock's performance makes his character, Eden, sparkle with exuberance. He helps establish character immediately with an earnest, infectious tone that complements the lighthearted nature of the character perfectly. Stephen Kaplan, in contrast, is much more even toned and grounded, reflecting the serious nature of his character, Day. Both work together to present relatable characters and their struggle to navigate through this dangerous budding society. The plot is fast paced, the narrators are engaging, and the story is an excellent addition to Lu's popular dystopian works. N.H. © AudioFile 2019, Portland, Maine [Published: OCTOBER 2019]
Trade Ed. Macmillan Audio 2019
CD ISBN 9781250254436 $45.99 Nine CDs
DD ISBN 9781250254429 $26.99
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