Running with her dog on a quiet Sunday morning, Homicide Detective Lindsey Boxer witnesses the explosion that starts a week of terrorism in San Francisco. Carolyn McCormick's performance strikes the right balance of professionalism and horror in Boxer's first-person account. McCormick portrays the detective as both detached investigator and sensitive woman, those qualities fighting for dominance in each area of her life. Other characters also receive careful attention, with a light touch of regional accent here and there to polish their personalities. Occasional muted sound effects and musical interludes enhance the performance. R.P.L. (c) AudioFile 2004, Portland, Maine [Published: AUG/ SEP 04]
Trade Ed. Hachette Audio 2004
CS ISBN 9781586215989 $26.98 Four cassettes
CD ISBN 9781594839528 $14.98 Six CDs
DD ISBN $18.89
Library Ed. BBC Audiobooks America 2004
CS ISBN 9780792731818 $54.95 Five cassettes
CD ISBN 9780792731625 $64.95 Sixteen CDs
MP3-CD ISBN 9780792731832 $39.95 One MP3-CDs
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