The lives of four teen girls in a changing Nassau neighborhood are vibrantly brought to life by four expertly matched narrators. Robin Eller's youthful and rounded voice is ideal for her portrayal of Eve, a devoted preacher's daughter whose church is in the way of a hotel development. Eve's best friend, Faith, is an outsider whose father, a politician, is supporting the hotel. Chrystal Bethell's confident tone reflects Faith's privileged upbringing. Adenrele Ojo's sweeping yet grounded performance is well matched to KeeKee, the neighborhood poet and helping hand. York Whitaker's narration captures the malaise of Nia-- a local girl who wants a break from her smothering mother. The cast members play well off one another, creating an audible sense of community and the heavy burdens placed on these young women. J.E.C. © AudioFile 2021, Portland, Maine [Published: JANUARY 2021]
Trade Ed. Dreamscape 2020
CD ISBN 9781662018268 $39.99 Eleven CDs
MP3-CD ISBN 9781662018305 $22.99 Two MP3-CDs
DD ISBN 9781662018299 $34.99
Library Ed. Dreamscape 2021
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