The final installment of Ariana Franklin's Mistress of the Art of Death series receives a posthumous tribute from her daughter, author Samantha Norman. Kate Reading, a familiar voice for the series, brings the medieval world to life once more with her inimitable talents for pacing and characterization. Adelia Aguilar, now a semiretired pathologist, and her independent-minded daughter, Allie, are drawn into events surrounding the disappearance of English village girls. After an injury sidelines the older woman, Allie begins a pivotal personal journey. Reading skillfully balances atmospheric elements and suspense to create especially taut scenes, culminating with the villain's climactic reveal. Her textured portrayals of key figures and community members as they aid or impede the investigation infuse emotional nuances into complex situations. J.R.T. Winner of AudioFile Earphones Award © AudioFile 2020, Portland, Maine [Published: OCTOBER 2020]
Trade Ed. Harper Audio 2020
DD ISBN 9780063035515 $26.99
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