Scott Brick narrates a prequel to the Dune series centered on House Atreides one year before the events of the original book. Primarily aimed at die-hard fans, the story incorporates the political maneuvering, thundering action, and unusual magic that are the hallmarks of the series. Brick's narration struggles to elevate the uneven prose but injects a precise intensity. Characters are imbued with heroic voices, delivering colorful cadences that catch the ear. Scenes are masterfully undergirded by mounting tension and sinister manipulation. Writing issues slow down the story, and occasional production missteps are in evidence, but Brick turns in a rewarding performance. J.M.M. © AudioFile 2020, Portland, Maine [Published: DECEMBER 2020]
Trade Ed. Macmillan Audio 2020
CD ISBN 9781250771926 $57.99 Eleven CDs
DD ISBN 9781250771919 $32.99
Library Ed. Macmillan Audio 2020
DD ISBN 9781250811349 $89.99
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