This affecting novel is based on the life of the author's grandfather, Fred Allen, a musical prodigy who suffered unspeakable neglect in a Georgia mill town before escaping to New York City to chase his dreams. Allen Cheney reads with the sincerity and flair needed to honor this story of community support, love, and Southern family culture. He's a likable narrator who makes it easy to connect with his grandfather's touching journey. Laced with the lyrics of show tunes and infused with hope, the biography follows Allen as he allows his career to pull him away from his devoted wife because he feels damaged and unlovable--feelings that are a relic of his deprived childhood. If music or a shortage of love in any form are part of your life, this audio is not to be missed. T.W. © AudioFile 2020, Portland, Maine [Published: NOVEMBER 2020]
Digital Download Thomas Nelson 2020
DD ISBN 9780785217619 $21.99
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