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by | Read by Humphrey Bower

Fiction • 6.5 hrs. • Unabridged • © 2020

Narrator Humphrey Bower is the glue that keeps this work of speculative fiction together. After an apocalypse, an endless war breaks out. The population that remains finds literal sustenance in witnessing daily news footage of the fighting. There are a plethora of moments when a leader and his right-hand man verbally spar. In these moments, Bower is at his best. The raspy, defeated voice of the leader switches midstream to the peppy, joyful voice of his assistant. Listeners can't help but feel as though they are eavesdropping on intimate moments between two people who have a shorthand for communication. Due to the unique and unstructured writing style of this work, the audiobook will make for a more fulfilling experience than the print version. A.R.F. © AudioFile 2021, Portland, Maine [Published: FEBRUARY 2021]

Trade Ed. • Bolinda Audio • 2020

CD ISBN 9781867507277 $39.99 • Six CDs

MP3-CD ISBN 9781867507529 $29.17 • One MP3-CDs

DD ISBN $26.72

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