This initially heartbreaking but ultimately joyful audiobook is about the interconnected lives of a group of family and friends in a small Cree community in Northern Canada. The story moves through the points of view of several Indigenous women (and a few men), most of whom are dealing with intense trauma. Carol Rose GoldenEagle's narration is powerful and steady. Her voice is strong and rich, with a deep resonance that carries the story forward. She doesn't employ character voices, but she doesn't need to. Her narration is never confusing, and hearing the author deliver her own words adds a layer of emotional intimacy. Though graphic at times, this audiobook is a moving exploration of the healing power of culture, tradition, story, and ceremony. L.S. © AudioFile 2021, Portland, Maine [Published: APRIL 2021]
Digital Download Inanna Publications 2021
DD ISBN 9781771338127 $20.99
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