This darkly humorous mystery is expertly narrated by Rupert Degas. What seems to be an ominous story of suicide and murder turns into a lovely romp through England with Felix, an older man with a somber and thoughtful personality. In the panic of a monumental mistake, Felix--remembering his dog's behavior at having done something wrong--flees the scene of the crime. Thus begins this comedy of errors. Degas portrays the cast of characters with zeal. Everyone's traits are distinctively portrayed--whether it is a dying man gasping for breath, a nervous young woman, or a man resigned to his lot. Listeners will appreciate Degas's crisp enunciation and deft ability to animate these states of being into the lives that fill this story. S.K.G. Winner of AudioFile Earphones Award © AudioFile 2021, Portland, Maine [Published: APRIL 2021]
Trade Ed. Dreamscape 2021
MP3-CD ISBN 9781662067068 $22.99 One MP3-CDs
DD ISBN 9781662066757 $34.99
Library Ed. Dreamscape 2021
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