Julia Whelan passionately narrates this family drama, which focuses on a model/surfer named Nina and her estranged father, a rock legend. The story alternates between the events of a day in August 1983 that lead up to a party and flashbacks that recount how Nina and her siblings became so emotionally dependent upon each other. Whelan provides a distinct voice for each briefly glimpsed character, enhancing the rich details the author is known for. Famous entertainers mingle with people in the service industry who feel graced by their mere presence. An exaggerated "woo!" after a partygoer shotguns a beer amps up the exhilaration. A short "yeah!" in agreement to someone's understated comment on the wild night highlights Whelan's comedic finesse. A.L.C. © AudioFile 2021, Portland, Maine [Published: JULY 2021]
Trade Ed. Random House Audio 2021
CD ISBN 9781984845337 $40.00 Nine CDs
DD ISBN 9781984845344 $22.50
Library Ed. Books on Tape 2021
DD ISBN 9781984845368 $95.00
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