This satiric, politically incorrect Afrofuturistic tale is laced with pop culture references, gangsta rap, and racial, sometimes offensive, stereotypes ably portrayed by the full cast and accompanied by mood-intensifying music. Private detective Genevieve "Jon Vee" Noir, former model and police detective, and her former partner, Detective Willie O'Ree, investigate the gruesome murders of rappers in Koontown. Are vampire crack babies eviscerating rappers using acid? Is there another sinister criminal on the loose? Honey-toned narrator Duyen Washington voices Genevieve Noir as concerned and serious, a PI determined to solve puzzling vicious crimes. Jefferson Russell portrays Detective O'Ree as a no-nonsense cop pitted against corrupt forces. The full cast acts out over-the-top characters who include rappers, hookers, vampires, and preachers. M.B.K. © AudioFile 2021, Portland, Maine [Published: OCTOBER 2021]
Trade Ed. GraphicAudio 2021
MP3-CD ISBN $19.98 One MP3-CDs
DD ISBN 9781648819377 $18.99
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