Consistently strong narration takes listeners into the lives of others in this story collection curated by guest editor Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Narrator Marisa Calin's Irish lilt grows mournful in Alice Jolly's tragic "From Far Around They Saw Us Burn," about an orphanage fire. Narrator Sullivan Jones takes listeners into a brother's observational thoughts and a husband's self-absorbed ruminations as a woman is dying in Jamel Brinkley's "Witness." Bahni Turpin's voice shifts with the life changes that take place as a college student becomes one of the "tall, thin girls" in Adachioma Ezeano's "Becoming the Baby Girl." Hillary Huber voices indignation and confidence in the thoughts of a Hollywood figure facing trial for sexual accusations in Emma Cline's "White Noise." J.A.S. © AudioFile 2021, Portland, Maine [Published: DECEMBER 2021]
Trade Ed. Random House Audio 2021
DD ISBN 9780593504437 $22.50
Library Ed. Books on Tape 2021
DD ISBN 9780593504444 $95.00
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