This psychological thriller, narrated by Peter Noble, traces the lives of several seriously damaged characters. While the prose is clear, literate, and often engaging, listeners are subjected to the psychotic outbursts of the guilt-obsessed male protagonist, Josh. The author delves into a variety of societal and mental health problems ranging from hoarding and bullying to spousal and child abuse as Noble conveys the many complexities of human emotions. Listeners can hear voices choked with tears, the suppressed anger in a muted response, and the fear in a mumbled rejoinder. Overall, Noble gives life to the story's dysfunctional characters. The story drags in places, but the ending is suitably terrifying. D.L.G. © AudioFile 2021, Portland, Maine [Published: OCTOBER 2021]
Trade Ed. Dreamscape 2021
CD ISBN 9781666517149 $59.99 Nine CDs
MP3-CD ISBN 9781666517408 $29.99 One MP3-CDs
DD ISBN 9781666517347 $34.99
Library Ed. Dreamscape 2021
DD ISBN 9781666517286 multiple sources
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