In the final installment of the Green Bone Saga, narrator Andrew Kishino returns to tell the tale of the Kaul family of the No Peak Clan. Kishino sets a moderate pace for this long audiobook, which spans 20 years. He creates a strong persona for Hilo, the pillar of the clan, who radiates power and confidence. It is a time of change as their island nation becomes less insular and women, for the first time, hold positions of power. Hilo's nemesis, the pillar of the Mountain Class, and his sister, the weatherman (chief adviser) of the clan, are each portrayed by Kishino as formidable and competent. He ably handles a large cast of characters and conveys the strong familial bond that binds the clans. J.E.M. © AudioFile 2022, Portland, Maine [Published: MARCH 2022]
Trade Ed. Hachette Audio 2021
DD ISBN 9781668600559 $29.98
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