This twisty audiobook thriller features two teenage girls in 1940s Washington, DC, as they grapple with their intense friendship and disturbing murders. Conventional-seeming newcomer Philippa is an undercover misfit who quickly identifies iconoclast Judy as a kindred spirit. As their friendship--and attraction--grows, so does their obsession with uncovering the dirty secrets behind recent murders in their community. With cool tones and a sarcastic bite, Jeanette Illidge's portrayal of Judy brings out the girl's detachment and anger. Naughton conveys Philippa's blend of chirpiness and angst with skill. While the two sometimes sound similar, the resulting confusion heightens the listener's unease. Rounding out the cast is Robin Miles, who narrates a frame story with smooth caginess, keeping listeners off-balance until the end. R.A.H. © AudioFile 2022, Portland, Maine [Published: FEBRUARY 2022]
Trade Ed. Blackstone Audio 2022
CD ISBN 9798200712083 $53.95 Twelve CDs
MP3-CD ISBN 9798200712090 $33.95 One MP3-CDs
DD ISBN $34.97
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