Heath Miller performs an endearing continuation of young Avery and Zib's journey in the magical world of the Up-and-Under. The two continue their singular quest to locate the missing Queen of Wands and find a way back home. First, they survive the harrowing Saltwise Sea, only to land in a more dangerous place: The Land of Air, ruled by the malevolent Queen of Swords. Miller shifts into distinct character voices with an engaging deftness. Creatures, supernatural beings, and Avery and Zib all have wild voices that seem like they're coming from a cadre of talented voice actors. Series fans and newcomers alike will find it hard to hit pause on this short but fascinating fantasy-adventure aimed at younger listeners. J.M.M. © AudioFile 2023, Portland, Maine [Published: MARCH 2023]
Trade Ed. Macmillan Audio 2022
DD ISBN 9781250848642 $19.99
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