In the decaying mid-Atlantic town of Creighton, gutsy crime reporter Lara Dominguez, voiced by Yenni Ann, is determined to unmask the town’s crime vigilante, The Black Ghost. Eric Messner adopts a straightforward manner as the main narrator, adroitly delivering The Black Ghost’s and Lara’s fights against bad guys and local injustice. Plucky Dominguez becomes increasingly strident as she overcomes her hard-drinking and fear while fighting the ruthless crime boss Barnabus, a stereotypical Mafioso voiced by Rayner Gabriel, and citywide corruption. Ann increases the tone of confidence in Dominguez’s internal monologues as she pursues drug lords and lawless politicians while working to please her hard-as-nails newspaper editor Maggie Braffet, voiced by Stephanie Nemeth Parker. M.B.K. © AudioFile 2023, Portland, Maine [Published: MAY 2023]
Trade Ed. GraphicAudio 2023
MP3-CD ISBN 9781685088828 $40.00 One MP3-CDs
DD ISBN $20.00
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