Primarily narrated by Kim Young-Gi, this biographical audiobook celebrates the ten-year-long career of the Korean boy band BTS. Kim's tender narration details the band's immense trials and unprecedented successes. He approaches the content with a voice full of wonder and admiration throughout their joys and quiet sympathy when detailing their tribulations. The audiobook also features in-depth interviews with the members of BTS, voiced by Park Chan-won. While the seven members of BTS aren't given highly differentiated voices, Park's narration is conversational and colloquial. Perfect for fans of BTS or K-pop in general, this audiobook recounts their path from before their debut in June of 2013 to their worldwide acclaim today. A.K.R. © AudioFile 2023, Portland, Maine [Published: AUGUST 2023]
Trade Ed. Macmillan Audio 2023
DD ISBN 9781250329134 $26.99
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