Set in 1977, the third Charlie and Margaret Marder mystery focuses on Ike and Lucy, the Marders' adult children. The novel alternates between the perspective of Ike, portrayed by Rob Shapiro, and Lucy, portrayed by Meg Price. As the country struggles to move beyond Nixon/Watergate, Ike, a U.S. Marine/Vietnam vet, takes off with Evel Knievel's crew. Shapiro, the stronger narrator, infuses Ike with defiance, despair, and determination. Lucy is a DC journalist struggling with her integrity as the "news" becomes sensationalized. Price struggles with supporting characters but voices Lucy with resolve and passion. During this unique historical period, the siblings' lives become intertwined, and they're forced to make decisions that will impact everything around them. K.S.M. © AudioFile 2023, Portland, Maine [Published: SEPTEMBER 2023]
Trade Ed. Hachette Audio 2023
DD ISBN 9781668623435 $27.99
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