Four talented narrators voice a compelling story of teenagers who find community over a tumultuous week in their Canadian town. Jessie is excited to start a new job at Pink Mountain Pizza; narrator Aaliya Warbus's husky voice captures her seemingly flippant but truly thoughtful nature. Shaun Taylor-Corbett voices her co-worker Cam's dialogue with lighthearted humor but also reveals his pain over the loss of his cousin, Kiki, a Black Native American girl who has gone missing amid a series of disappearances. Berlin, a driven Métis student, pushes herself to succeed; Julie Lumsden conveys Berlin's struggles and fears. Kimberly Woods narrates poetic snippets of Kiki's journal entries with care. When the teens investigate a plan to sell Pink Mountain Pizza, they find much more than they expected. E.E.C. © AudioFile 2023, Portland, Maine [Published: OCTOBER 2023]
Trade Ed. Harper Audio 2023
DD ISBN 9780063086241 $27.99
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