In this delightful romantic comedy, Katelyn Levering and Nick Mondelli team up to narrate the story of Gillian and Noah. Gillian, the town pharmacist, finds solace in gardening, much to the chagrin of her nosy elderly neighbors, who believe she should focus on dating. Noah is a recent transplant who moves across the country after a tough breakup and buys the home next to Gillian, sight unseen. When he begins renovating by removing the hedges, Gillian is furious. Levering skillfully conveys Gillian's outrage and confidence with perfectly timed intonation, while Mondelli portrays Noah's trepidation and animosity with subtle pacing and tonal variations. As their relationship develops, both narrators add nuances to their tones, enhancing the story. S.K.G. © AudioFile 2024, Portland, Maine [Published: APRIL 2024]
Trade Ed. Dreamscape 2024
DD ISBN 9781666653021 $17.99
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