In this dramatized adaptation, Khaya Fraites brings to life the character of Violet Sorrengail, and Gabriel Michael embodies Xaden Riorson. Together, they lead a distinguished cast, which includes LaMont Ridgell, Torian Brackett, and Rob McFadyen, through the harrowing world of the Empyrean series. Their performances, augmented by immersive sound effects and cinematic music, expertly convey the saga's intensity and the perilous atmosphere of Basgiath War College. The rich tapestry of voices captures the essence of Yarros's compelling story, crafting a deeply engaging auditory experience that showcases the narrators. With its vivid characterizations and compelling storytelling, this production delivers an unforgettable journey through the brutal and politically intricate world of dragon riders. F.S.M. © AudioFile 2024, Portland, Maine [Published: MARCH 2024]
Trade Ed. Graphic Audio 2024
DD ISBN 9798890551054 $21.99
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