This vibrant short story collection featuring animals offers a scintillating safari of sound and narrative, expertly performed by Humphrey Bower. His animated voice and Australian accent, accompanied by sparkling sound effects and music, are sure to make listeners smile. Educational and entertaining, the stories include Little Bug Books and BumbleBunnies collections, which demonstrate the singular and plural forms of various species, what the offspring of different species are called, and the sounds they make. The orchestrated narration and music will make young listeners want to cheer as superhero BumbleBunnies come to the rescue of other animals. Imaginative and immersive, this contagious collection is a joyful, high-energy experience for children and adults alike. M.F. Winner of AudioFile Earphones Award © AudioFile 2024, Portland, Maine [Published: JULY 2024]
Trade Ed. Bolinda Audio 2024
DD ISBN 9781038669452 $8.99
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