A talented ensemble cast narrates a ripped-from-the-headlines thriller set at a prestigious Miami public school. When newcomer Melody Howard arrives from Kansas, she is swept into the glamorous world of PTA moms at her daughter's new school. Andi Arndt's portrayal of Melody as she slowly unravels due to the high-stakes pressure of her new environment is compelling. Other stand-out performances include Helen Laser as Darcy Resnick, a sarcastic and cynical lawyer; Saskia Maarleveld as Charlotte Giordani, a powerhouse player in the PTA; and Robin Miles as Jude Carol Lawson, the seeming voice of reason in the over-the-top world of Sunset Academy. Together, the cast creates a wildly entertaining yet deeply disturbing portrait of a school and a community in trouble. K.M.P. © AudioFile 2024, Portland, Maine [Published: AUGUST 2024]
Trade Ed. Harper Audio 2024
DD ISBN 9780063312821 $23.99
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