Two orphans on the run from foster care—15-year-old Luttie McFee and her 11-year-old brother, Fate—are put through a wringer of hard times and painful lessons. Narrator Cassandra Morris affects a high-pitched, adolescent whine for Luttie that matches her fierce personality. A nerdy, clipped tone characterizes Fate. When the children take off for Las Vegas in search of their long-lost father, they find instead only people aiming to take advantage of them—until they’re rescued by a guardian angel. This is a story of children in jeopardy whose voices will stay with the listener for a long time. R.O. © AudioFile 2008, Portland, Maine [Published: NOVEMBER 2008]
Trade Ed. Hachette Audio 2008
CD ISBN 978-1-60024-207-6 $34.98 Eight CDs
DD ISBN multiple sources
Library Ed. Books on Tape 2008
CS ISBN 978-1-4159-5806-3 $70.00 Five cassettes
CD ISBN 978-1-4159-56205 $70.00 Eight CDs
DD ISBN multiple sources
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