Retail pak HighBridge Audio 1993
CS ISBN 0453008321 $16.00 Two cassettes
Peter Beagle reads an abridged version of his classic fantasy, first published in 1968. The story recounts the journey of the last unicorn to find "her people," unicorns who have been imprisoned by the evil King Haggard. This abridged version of the fable retains the texture and wonder of the original. The author gives a semi-voiced performance, skillfully conveying the emotional atmosphere of the story. Bridges of classical guitar music contribute to the mood of the story. Suitable for older children and young adults as well as adults, this production will bring this lovely story to many who missed the book. It's a classic of its genre and deserves a place in most audio collections. M.A.M. ©AudioFile, Portland, Maine [Published: APR 94]
Retail pak HighBridge Audio 1993
CS ISBN 0453008321 $16.00 Two cassettes
Retail pak HighBridge Audio 1993
CS ISBN 0453008321 $16.00 Two cassettes
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